Jonatan Habib Engqvist is a curator and writer with a background in Philosophy and Aesthetic theory
based in Stockholm. Currently artistic director of New Småland on commission by 4 regional art
museums and a university together with Mike Bode (2016-2020), curator of Sara Tirelli´s solo exhibition
at Borås Artmuseum, Sweden and co-curator with Basak Senova and Branko Francechi of The 5th Project
Biennial of Contemporary Art D-0 ARK Underground, Do secret services dream of a museum? in Tito's
Bunker - ARC D-0, Konjic, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Engqvist also manages CRIS (Curatorial Residency In
Stockholm) and is editor in mischief of the online journal tsnoK.se. He has curated a number of
international biennales and festivals including Cycle Music and Art Festival Berlin/Reykjavík/Koparvogur
(2018), Survival Kit 9 in Riga, Latvia, Sinopale 6, Sinop, Turkey (2017), Tunnel Vision, the 8th
Momentum biennale in Moss, Norway 2015 and (I)ndependent People, the visual art focus of Reykjavík
Arts Festival 2012. Previously project manager for visual art at Iaspis (2009-2014), curator at Moderna
Museet (2008-09) and The Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm (2005-07). Engqvist has written in
numerous books and catalogues. These include: Big Dig ¬– Om passivitet och samtidskonst, CLP Works
(2018), Studio Talks: Thinking Through Painting, Arvinius+Orfeus Publishing (2014), In Dependence –
Collaboration and Artists´ initiatives, Torpedo Press (2013), Work, Work, Work – A Reader on Art and
Labour, Steinberg Press (2012), Dharavi: Documenting Informalities, KKH (2008), Academic Foundation
New Delhi (2009).
with the support of
The Nordic Art Association is a visual art organisation in the Nordic countries aimed at creating networks.
It was founded in 1945 and consists of 9 sections. The board of the Swedish section consists of
representatives of a number of national partners, such as artist organisations and national institutions for
contemporary art. NKF will celebrate it´s 75-year jubilee in 2020.